DELIVERY within 72 hours!


Orders, exchange of goods and complaints

Monday - Friday from 9.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.

Phone: +420 222 520 476

This phone number and e-mail address is used to handle online shop complaints.
(the above phone number is charged according to your operator's tariffs)

GSM: +420 776 111 181


Billing and identification data

Sun Textile s.r.o.

Malešická 2679/49
13000 Praha

IČ: 08072761
DIČ: CZ08072761

The company is registered in the Commercial Register kept at the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 206081.
200 000 CZK

Wholesale; company management:
GSM: +420 776 111 181


Contact form

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