DELIVERY within 72 hours!

Terms and Conditions

I. Introductory Provisions

1. Sun Textile s.r.o.
    Malešická 2679/49
    130 00 Prague
    ID number: 08072761, VAT number: CZ08072761
    The company is registered in the commercial register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague in section C, entry 206081.
    Registered capital: CZK 200,000

    Phone: +420 222 520 476
    Contact address of the distribution center: Zikmunda Wintra 7, 301 00 Plzeň

The company Sun Textile s.r.o., the exclusive distributor of the Carl Torsberg brand in the Czech and Slovak Republics and the operator of the website All trademarks listed here are properly registered and enjoy legal protection. 2. These Terms and Conditions regulate contractual relations and define mutual rights and obligations between Sun Textile s.r.o. and the customer when
selling goods online. All such contractual relationships are governed by the generally binding legal regulations of the Czech Republic, the concluded purchase
contract and these Terms and Conditions.
3. Provisions different from the provisions of these Terms and Conditions can be negotiated in the purchase contract.
4. In such a case, the provisions agreed in the purchase contract take precedence. If the contracting party is a consumer, relations not governed by these Terms and
Conditions are governed by the Civil Code (Act No. 89/2012 Coll. as amended) and the Consumer Protection Act (Act No. 634/1992 Coll. as amended).
If the contracting party is another entity, relations not regulated by these Terms and Conditions are governed by the Civil Code (Act No. 89/2012 Coll. as amended)
or the Business Corporations Act 90/2012 Coll. 5. These terms and conditions may be modified and changed by the seller at any time. These modifications and changes do not affect contractual relationships
established at the time of the effective date of the previous version of the Terms and Conditions.

II. Definitions

1.  Contract - purchase contract where Sun Textile s.r.o. appears on one side. and the customer on the other hand.
2. Seller (Sun Textile s.r.o.) - is a person who, when concluding and fulfilling the contract, acts as part of his business or other business activity; he is an entrepreneur
who directly offers goods for sale. 3. Customer - (i) a customer can be a consumer, i.e. a person who, when concluding and fulfilling the contract, is not acting as part of his business or other business
activity; it is a natural or legal person who buys goods for a purpose other than for doing business with these goods; (ii) the customer can also be an entrepreneur who
uses the services for the purpose of his business with these goods. 4. Conclusion of the contract - the customer's order is a draft contract and the contract itself is concluded at the moment of delivery of the seller's binding consent to
the customer with this proposal (confirmation of the order by the seller); from this moment, mutual rights and obligations arise between the seller and the customer. 5. Goods - goods are all products offered for sale by the Seller on its website listed in point I, paragraph 1. under the conditions set out in these Business Terms and

III. Information about the concluded purchase contract and business conditions

1. By sending the order (i.e. the draft contract), the customer confirms that he has familiarized himself with these Terms and Conditions and that he fully and
unreservedly agrees with them. These Terms and Conditions form an integral part of the concluded purchase contract.
2. The purchase contract is concluded in the Czech language, unless the contracting parties agree otherwise. These Terms and Conditions are displayed on the website and on other websites of the seller, see point I, paragraph 1 of the Terms and Conditions.
IV. Protection of personal data

1.  The customer's personal data required for communication will be used exclusively for the purpose of fulfilling the concluded contract or its changes.
Along with sending the order, the customer consents to the use of his personal data in the scope of contact data (name, surname, telephone number, email and address)
for the purposes of fulfilling the contract and for the purposes of internal analysis and analysis. 2. The customer has the right to access his personal data and the right to correct it, including other legal rights to this data. At the same time, he has the right to withdraw
his consent to the processing of personal data at any time in writing.
3. Personal data of customers is stored in accordance with the generally binding legal regulations of the Czech Republic, in particular with the Personal Data Protection
Act (Act No. 101/2000 Coll. as amended) and Regulation of the European Parliament and of the EU Council 2016/679 (known as GDPR).
All data obtained from customers are used exclusively for the internal needs of the seller and are not provided to third parties, except for the needs of the carrier to
deliver the goods to the customer. Personal data of customers are fully protected against abuse. You can find a complete overview of personal data management HERE. Along with agreeing to these terms and conditions, the customer also consents to the sending of informational e-mails, SMS offers and postal items from the operator
regarding bargain purchases, discounts, events and interesting things related to the supplier's business. 4. For statistical purposes, the seller evaluates the information about the use of the website listed in point I, paragraph 1. (e.g. the number of users visiting this website,
from where access to the website was made). This information is only numerical (without personal data) and will be used for internal analysis and analysis in order to
improve the quality of the service provider's website.
5. All materials and information on the seller's website are exclusively the intellectual property of this company or persons cooperating with it. These materials and
information may not be used or modified in any way without the consent of the seller. The seller's website may contain links to other websites of third parties; the seller is not responsible for the content of such websites and the services offered on them.

V. Subject matter of the contract

1. The subject of the contractual relationship is the seller's obligation to deliver the goods described in the contract (i.e. the order and its confirmation) and the orderer's
obligation to take over the goods and pay the agreed price to the seller. A contractual relationship is established between the customer and the seller upon delivery of the
order confirmation by the seller to the customer (i.e. the moment the contract is concluded). 2. The customer can order specific goods from the seller's current offer. This offer is published on the seller's website listed in point I, paragraph 1 of the Terms and

VI. Order 1. The order represents a unilateral proposal by the customer to conclude a contract, the subject of which is the sale of the goods specified in the order, under the
conditions specified in it and in these Business Terms and Conditions. The customer is bound by the completed and sent order. Goods can be ordered via the seller's
website listed in point I, paragraph 1 of these Terms and Conditions. 2. The seller will send an order confirmation via the email specified by the customer in the order. This confirmation contains contact details, exact description and number
of goods ordered, final price, method and date of receipt or delivery of goods, agreed payment method.

VII. Delivery and acceptance of goods

1.  The seller delivers the goods to the customer by mail or the customer picks them up at a collection point operated by the seller (store). The method of receiving the
goods is chosen by the customer in the order form. The customer is obliged to accept the delivered goods. 2. The seller delivers the goods via the parcel service of the Czech Post, PPL or another courier service. The place of delivery of the goods is the place indicated by
the customer in the order form. The goods are always properly packaged to protect them from damage during delivery. 3. In the event that the goods are sent, the customer can choose between payment by bank transfer in advance to the seller's account, pay the price of the goods by
cash on delivery or online transfer via payment card. 4. If the seller delivers the goods by shipment, the customer pays the shipping costs. Postage and packaging for cash-on-delivery shipments is CZK 150, for prepayment
it is CZK 100, for orders worth up to CZK 2,000. For orders over CZK 2,000, postage and packaging are paid by the seller. The information given in this point only applies
to sending shipments to the Czech Republic! Different prices apply for other countries, see below. 5. The seller also delivers goods abroad. Postage and packaging for cash on delivery abroad is CZK 200, with advance payment CZK 150. For orders abroad over
CZK 2,500, postage and packaging are not charged by the seller. This provision applies only to retail sales to natural persons. 6. In the order form, the customer can choose a collection point (store) as the place of delivery. In this case, the delivery of the goods is considered to be taken over by
the customer or another authorized person present at the place of delivery at the time of delivery.

VIII. Price and payment terms

1. The price of the offered goods is always listed on the seller's website. No further discount can be applied to already discounted goods. The price of the goods
according to the specific concluded contract is always indicated in the service order and on the invoice attached to the goods. The price is always listed including the
applicable VAT rate. The price can be paid by the customer only in the ways that are offered on the Internet addresses listed in point I, paragraph 1., i.e. cash on delivery,
in cash at the store or by online transfer via payment card. The customer does not pay for the use of this service. 2. Payment must be made in Czech crowns or EURO. In the case of payment by bank transfer, the customer pays all bank fees so that the agreed price for the goods
is credited to the seller's account in full. In the case of an order abroad paid by bank transfer, the customer pays the price of the goods in euros. The seller determines
the current exchange rate in relation to the koruna to the euro according to the exchange rate of the Czech National Bank, always on the first working day of the month. 3. The cost of delivery of the ordered goods will be added to the price of the service provided (see the previous paragraph), determined depending on the chosen
method of transport within the Czech Republic or abroad. 4. Personal collection at one of the provider's establishments: price according to the current price list on the service provider's website.

IX. Withdrawal from the contractual relationship

1. The seller is entitled to immediately withdraw from the contract in the following cases: Due to the gross violation of the customer's obligations arising from the
concluded contract. In such a case, the seller is entitled to reimbursement of costs incurred in connection with the performance of the concluded contract. 2. The customer has the right to immediately withdraw from the contract in the following cases: a) In the event of a gross breach of the seller's obligations arising from the concluded contract. b) The customer, who is a consumer, has the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 calendar days from taking over the performance, without giving a reason
and without any penalty. The specified period is intended for the buyer to familiarize himself with the nature, properties and functionality of the goods to a reasonable
extent. If the customer decides to use this right, he must send the withdrawal from the contract to the seller no later than 14 days after receiving the goods. The customer
must return the goods within the specified period (the date of dispatch is the determining factor).
The customer will send the returned goods to the address Sun Textile s.r.o., Zikmunda Wintra 7, 30100 Plzeň.
3. Withdrawal from the contract by the customer can be made in writing, electronically, by phone, in person, etc. The contact address is Sun Textile s.r.o.,
Zikmunda Wintra 7, 30100 Plzeň, email, phone 222 520 476. 4. When withdrawing from the contract, the customer is obliged to return the purchased goods together with a copy of the sales document that he received with the
ordered goods. The goods must be sent as a valuable parcel, the seller does not accept cash on delivery parcels. The shipping cost for returned goods is always paid
by the customer.
5. After receiving the returned goods, the seller will return to the customer (within the legal period) the corresponding amount, including the received postage,
in a pre-agreed manner. 6. The right to withdraw from the contract (according to § 1837, Civil Code as amended) cannot be applied to contracts for the supply of goods modified according to
the wishes of the consumer or for his person. 7. The buyer is responsible for the reduction in the value of the goods as a result of handling the goods in a way other than that which is necessary to familiarize himself
with the nature and properties of the goods, including their functionality. 8. In the event of withdrawal from the Contract, the Price will be returned to you within 14 days from the effective date of withdrawal to the account from which it was
credited, or to the account selected for withdrawal from the Contract. However, the amount will not be refunded until you return the Goods to Us or until you prove that
they have been sent back to Us. Please return the goods to us clean, if possible including the original packaging.

X. Complaints

1. The seller is obliged to ensure the delivery of the goods to the customer in accordance with the concluded contract, these Terms and Conditions and generally binding
legal regulations.
2. If the seller does not fulfill his obligations arising from the contract properly and on time, the customer is obliged to complain to the seller about defects in the goods
provided without unnecessary delay. In the event that the goods were not delivered at all, the customer is obliged to submit a complaint without undue delay, but no later
than within 3 months from the first day when the goods were supposed to be delivered. 3. The warranty period for the goods is 24 months and begins on the day the goods are delivered to the customer. The warranty covers material or manufacturing
defects. The warranty does not cover mechanical damage to the product caused by improper use, insufficient maintenance or intentional damage. 4. The customer is obliged to make a complaint in writing, electronically, by phone, in person, etc. The customer who sends the goods back (wrong size, color, defect
in the goods, etc.) attaches to the goods a copy of the sales document that he received with the ordered goods and a letter with the reason why does and whether he
wants to exchange the size, the product for another product or return the money. In order to process the complaint faster, the customer also sends a copy of the order
he received to the email address (or the date of the order and the name under which it was made are sufficient). The seller undertakes to resolve the complaint made
by the customer in the shortest possible time. 5. The customer will send the goods in packaging of appropriate quality. The buyer is obliged to send the claimed goods in a clean state (washed, cleaned).
The carrier is not responsible for poorly packed shipments. Complaints about defects caused by the transport of goods in insufficient packaging will not be taken into
6. The seller undertakes to inform the customer no later than 5 days after receiving the complaint about the method of handling it. The seller will handle the claim without
undue delay, but no later than within 30 days from the date of its proper application. In case of rejection of the complaint, the seller will issue a written justification to the
customer (written form also means e-mail form for the purposes of the complaint procedure). 7. In the event that the customer properly makes a valid complaint, he has the right to remove the defects of the purchased goods, according to the buyer's request,
either by replacing the item or by repairing it; and if this is not possible, he has the right to a reasonable discount on the price, or he can withdraw from the contract.
If the conditions for withdrawal from the contract are given for a reason on the part of the seller, the customer has the right to return the paid price of the goods. 8. If a consumer dispute arises between the seller and the consumer, the consumer has the right to an out-of-court settlement. The subject of an out-of-court settlement
pursuant to Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on consumer protection, is the Czech Trade Inspection. All details on the out-of-court settlement can be found on the website of the
Czech Trade Inspection

XI. Exchange of goods, refund

1.  When purchasing via the online store, you can return or exchange the goods within 14 days of receipt of the shipment without giving reasons.
2.  The buyer has the right to try and use the item during the protective fourteen-day period, in which case he is responsible for the decrease in the value of the
goods as a result of handling these goods. Missing stamps are not a problem, washed or worn goods are. 3. If you require an exchange of goods at the delivery point, you must return the goods with all the supplied details and an attached copy of the sales receipt. 4. If the customer requests a refund for the goods, he sends the goods back to the seller's address (Sun Textile s.r.o., Zikmunda Wintra 7, 301 00 Plzeň) together
with information about the refund. The money will be returned to the customer within 14 days, in the form in which the customer paid for the goods. The customer will
send the goods clean and undamaged. 5. If you are sending the goods for return or exchange via a transport company (i.e. Czech Post, PPL, DPD, etc.), you must return the goods with all the details and
attach a copy of the invoice to the shipment, on which you will add - in the case of an exchange, the exact specification of the size of the newly requested goods
- in the case of a refund, the account number to which you want to refund the money. Do not send goods on cash on delivery under any circumstances. 6. In case of returning the goods, we will refund you the entire amount, i.e. the money for the goods and postage, within 14 days at the latest. 7. The exchange of goods takes place without undue delay, but usually within 14 days from the day the goods were received back.

Please direct your questions about the status of claims to the warehouse (tel.: +420 222 520 476),
where they are processed!
(call charges according to the valid tariffs of your operator)
In no case do not send us the claimed goods on cash on delivery. Goods returned in this way will not be accepted
and you will thereby extend the processing time.

XII. Final Provisions
These general terms and conditions are valid from 1 October 2022.